• Laboratório de Física Santos Dumont

    Coordination: Prof. Ana Karolina Gomes de Araujo

    Escola Estadual Santos Dumont, Av. Felizardo Moura, s/n – Jardim Planalto, CEP 59155-360, Parnamirim – RN.
  • Objectives:

    Promote Physics classes with experimental and simulated experiences of classroom content, olympiads, and contests.
    The laboratory is also used as a classroom, a space for creating experiments and team meetings.

    Main Focus:

    During the school day, this Laboratory fosters the interest of the students in Olympiads, science, technology, and experimental competitions, with their active participation in projects.
    Special school activities are promoted throughout the school year to enhance knowledge in themes such as measurements, satellites, rockets, and microgravity.

    Student activities, awards and participation in events:

    In 2019 we participate as teams and also as a school of:
    - Olimpíada Brasileira de Física das Escolas Públicas (we went to the second stage);
    - Olimpíada Nacional de Ciências (menção honrosa);
    - Olimpíada em Desenvolvimento Espacial e Aplicações (em andamento);
    - Garatéa – ISS;
    - Primeira Feira Virtual do Centro Vocacional Tecnológico Espacial (national first-place winners in the high school category).

    Invited speakers:


    - Professor Gilvan Luiz Borba – UFRN;
    - Professor George Santos Marinho – Coordinator of Equipe Potiguar Rocket Design – UFRN;
    - Marcos Aurélio F. dos Santos – Head of Centro Regional do Nordeste INPE;
    - Brazilian Space Agency, for the dissemination of videos with space themes;
    - Rede de Pesquisa PRO-HYPER.